Selasa, 13 Agustus 2019 09:25

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

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Program Educational Objectives

The Environmental Engineering Program with its various constituents is discussed in successive meetings the ABET requirements for the development of the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) by focusing on main elements of the university’s mission such as creative knowledge, research, and professional community services. All those elements are the key focus points of PEOs of the program. Those PEOs will help to envision the future of prospective and current students enrolled in the department.


Two-three years after graduation, graduates will have abilities to combine skills gained through their academic program, so they will:


  1. Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the principles and fundamentals of environmental engineering and their applications through their successful practice as environmental engineers. (PEO #1)
  2. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills to clearly explain engineering options and recommend solutions to stakeholders and society. (PEO #2)
  3. Continue to advance their career through continuing education and professional development.(PEO#3)
  4. Work well in multi-disciplinary teams and appreciate the value of multiple perspectives in engineering problem solving (PEO#4)
Read 6263 times Last modified on Selasa, 13 Agustus 2019 09:28
Admin Lingkungan

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